Interim management

"Executive Pool" is our fresh list of available top executives in Stavanger. These individuals are ready for assignments and can start immediately.

The Executive Pool is A'HEAD's up-to-date overview of top executives in the Stavanger region who are available for assignments. Drawing on the Executive Pool, we know who is immediately available to take on an interim assignment and assist your company. On short notice.

Stig-Rune Reese

We constantly work on hiring executives in Rogaland. Therefore, we are aware of which local leaders are available at any given time.

When to use an interim leader?

The company does not know how much time it will take to get things in order and needs a flexible arrangement. Hiring an interim leader may be a good solution until control has been regained.

Interim management means that a temporary leader, often at short notice, enters the top management of a company and works operationally from day one. These are situations where you should consider using an interim leader:

  • A planned absence, e.g. in connection with maternity leave.
  • In the case of sudden illness or death.
  • There is a long waiting period before the new leader takes office.
  • Crisis management or turnaround operation.
  • There is a lack of expertise, for example, in preparing and implementing strategic change.

    Contact Bjørn Helle,, if you are considering getting an interim leader in place.
    If you want to be a candidate for interim management, please register.

The CEO left, quickly and unexpectedly. Often, someone in the leadership team has to step in as temporary CEO while searching for a new one. But is that a wise decision?

The CFO who became interim CEO

Many appoint the CFO as interim CEO while working on getting a new CEO in place. Think carefully before doing so.

The advantage is obvious – the problem of the missing CEO is quickly solved. However, doing this may cause other problems. Bringing in an experienced interim CEO can often be a better solution.

First of all, there is a significant difference between the positions. Unless the CFO has a previous record of managing a CEO role, the CFO is entering unfamiliar territory with little guidance or support at hand. There is no supervisor to consult, only the board of directors. This makes it likely that the CFO's performance in the CEO role, the most important position in the company, will be poor.

Furthermore, you are entering a situation with a CFO who suddenly holds an extremely large responsibility. The execution of both roles will suffer due to a lack of time and expertise. In other words, you get a weak CFO and a weak CEO.

Thirdly, CFOs are often ambitious, and after stepping into the CEO role, the CFO might feel entitled to secure the top position. If someone else gets the job, the CFO might feel rejected and start looking for other jobs. Thus, you'd have to search for a new CFO as well.

Contact Bjørn Helle to get assistance in finding an interim leader for your company.